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AiGg AMA salon recap pt. 1
Tara Smith of Voxus PR opines on the opportunity for communications professionals around the use of AI.

Alarm Bells Sound Off: Navigating the Temu Surveillance Revelation
The boundary between personal and professional data is increasingly blurred in our hyper-connected world. When employees download and use applications like Temu on devices that also contain corporate information, they create potential gateways for data breaches.

AIGG’s “Ask Me Anything” about The State of AI
Join the AI Governance Group’s online Ask Me Anything Salon on February 20th at 5:00 p.m. PT as you explore your path along the AI technology transformation.

Fools and their Tools are Soon Parted
As Marketers leverage more AI tools, the reticence to disclose that very fact to the public will expose more organizations to risk.

AI in the Rearview Mirror: A Year of Transformative Moments
AI in the Rearview Mirror: A Year of Transformative Moments, a year that feels destined for the annals of history as the "AI Big Bang Moment" – a year where every moment seemed to echo with groundbreaking significance.

A Path to Innovation and Ethical AI
Unveiling President Biden's AI Executive Order: A Path to Innovation and Ethical AI